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Ultra-Ever Dry is a super hydrophobic which means it repelles water and oleophobic which means oil do not stick to it . These  repel water, some oils, wet concrete, and other liquids unlike any other coating. Ultra-Ever Dry has vastly improved adhesion and abrasion resistance, compared to previous super hydrophobic technologies, allowing it to be used in applications where greater durability is required.

This is a very cool invention, it looks like it has been edited but its true. It blew my mind watching this, and when I saw this, my thoughts were "wow", then suddenly I looked at my car, it will never get dirty and don't have to wash it ever. Its just like watching a cartoon. I am very excited and waiting for this product to hit the markets. There are a lot of things this can be used on which is very interesting to think about. When I look around, it can be used on swimming suits which seems like magic when my friends reaction seeing clothes are not wet after playing for hours in water. It can be used on umbrellas which never get wet which feels like real life Doremon's fantastical futuristic gadget. I wonder what would happen when if I use this on my laptop and spill some coffee on my laptop. I would very much like to try this on my car's engine  because I get frustrated when my car doesn't start due to snow in winter season and on the seats too might save me the trouble of cleaning dirty stains due to ketchup or coffee or shakes and save some money. I am disappointed because I cannot use this  much due to high price but it would be rather fun to use it and get some mind blowing results. I never have to worry about my assignment papers.
  •  window panes in buildings
  • Boats
  • Seats in vehicles
  •  Mud guards in vehicles
  • Oil based material storage containers 
  • Books and papers
  • Aircrafts

Keeps your stuff dry and never wet!!

-By Sriraam Vigneshwar


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