This 335 years old masterpiece, by the influential scientist of all time, has contributed most consequently in the history of science. This book is often commonly known as “Principia”. We can possibly infer and reach out a place that assures: “no other scientific work has drawn more importance and attention than Newton’s work did” ; in this far pragmatic globe. The theories proposed are widely ranging in many fields including Newton being mathematician, physicist, astronomer, theologian and author or say “natural philosopher” and not just being giver of the three laws of motion.
These works have often been used to derive other works such as Kepler's law of planetary motion, the trajectories of comets, etc. The universal law of gravitation is another platinum used primarily even today. It was even justified that the motion of objects in Earth and celestial bodies can also be accounted for, by the same principals. Further, it was added by the first reflecting telescope and developing a theory stating that prism separates white light into the colors of spectrum and the reason behind it. His inference stating Earth is an oblate spheroid was also confirmed later, followed by, empirical law of cooling, first theoretical calculation for the speed of sound, introducing the notion of Newtonian fluid. The inventions presented in mathematics also came out as wonders.
Concluding, these theories acted as foundation for the keen to know students, scholars and researchers. We see this book with a vision of respect today and roots of inventions tomorrow!
-Aditi Shukla SET-JU
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