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Showing posts from October, 2021

Ideathon: Sustainable development goals

What is about? Its discussing and coming with ideas and concepts that will promote and achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) form United Nations.  Students will be working in team of maximum 4 to come up with ideas in line to any of the Sustainable Development Goal put up by United Nations The team must define a problem encompassing any one or more of the following goals put forth by the United Nations. An idea must be proposed on how the problem will be mitigated. The students can access these goals and targets at  The team will be valuated by a panel of eminent professors  The contest requires only the concept in a presentation. Models are not necessary Contest will be open for any Under Graduate or Post Graduate student The event has a free registration and attractive prizes will be awarded for best 3 ideas The contest will be held online through zoom In the registration form: Name of the team members: College name: Department/ branch Co...

Webinar: Sustainable development goals

 Hello All❕ We always have been thinking about doing social good at some point. So why not discuss and re-think about it.☮️ Sustainable development goals are the pathway to achieve a prosperous tomorrow for all of us. Let us hold a conversation on the hurdles we face to bold out poverty, global climate variations, environment degradation & help maintain peace and justice. Be selfless and work smart, join us for the webinar on *SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS* brought to you by *yaanthrik club*!!⚙️⛓️ Date: 2nd October 2021 Time: 10 AM to 12 PM Platform: Zoom join register with us below we'll be deeply pleased to have you: